
This is an old revision of the document!

HAH Portable

It is a trimmed up version of the HAH system can that be built and installed independently of the livebox router hardware.

This is ALPHA software
As this is an unmodified port of the livebox HAH system there are many functions in the webserver that just don't work or make sense to be there.

Get the code

sudo apt-get install subversion
svn checkout

Ubuntu build notes

Tested on

  • beaglebone running Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy)
  • raspberry pi running Raspbian Ubuntu (wheezy)

Download ubuntu

Start with updating the package cache.

sudo apt-get update

Build packages required.

sudo apt-get install build-essential libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev flex

Runtime packages required.

sudo apt-get install lua5.1 lua-filesystem lua-penlight lua-rex-posix lua-socket

To build the package target you need the packaging stuff.

sudo apt-get install dpkg

Stopping apache2 as kloned will use port 80 - Not needed on the PI but it won't hurt to check.

sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove

Make sure you are in the portable/ directory that you checked out from the SVN code repository.

cd portable

To build a .deb installable package for the armhf Architecture

make arm-deb

The resultant .deb file will be in build/ Install like this

sudo dpkg -i build/*.deb

To directly install you'll need to build and install as root. Note this will NOT install the /etc/init.d/xap you have to copy that out of packages/etc and install it yourself (for now).

sudo INSTALL_DIR=/ make install

Fedora build notes

Tested on

  • Tested on a Raspberry PI running Pidora 18
  • Centos 5.5 x64

You will need these pre-requisites installed to build

yum install subversion libxml2-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel
yum groupinstall "Development Tools" --skip-broken
  • livebox/portable.1393636479.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/03/01 01:14
  • by brett