Home Theatre PC
This hardware is now a low powered Linux server and I've opted for the istar instead.
Well its actually built and I decided that I should get around to documenting what I did. In the meantime here are some pictures of what it looks like.
I was downloading various things onto it so it was convenient to put in next to the hub. I have now wireless enabled the box so it can be happy anywhere.
For the software:
- Windows XP
- Meedio for the HTPC interface
- http://sites.mobile.yahoo.com/go/tv/index - YAHOO now owns meedio
- streamzap remote to control everything
- Media Player Classic (included in XP codec pack)
- Cyberlink Power DVD as it supports the VIA mpeg hardware accelerator.
- Quicktime Alternative Codec
- XP Codec Pack to play all major audio and video formats