Building a console server
With the inclusion of the usb_serial_support kernel driver we can put the livebox to some other uses.
Serial over LAN daemon
Termnetd. A Serial over LAN daemon -
- Original source termnetd_3-3.tgz
- Adjusted source and Makefile for cross compilation termnetd-mips.tgz
- MIPS compiled binary - termnetd
There are several hurdles to overcome if /dev/ttyS0 is to be used
- A login process started by init and the /etc/inittab is ran against this device
- syslog is redirected to /dev/console
Attempts at disable the login process have so far failed. Perhaps it will require the modification of the filesystem and re-flashing to remove this functionality. As an alternative investigate whether the USB port could support a serial device.
The original source code will only accept devices that are located in the /dev directory. As this is a read-only filesystem a small modification to the LEXical scanner that processes the termnetd.conf file is needed so that ttyUSB0 from /tmp can be utilised. Until the filesystem can be altered